Quote Of The Week

"Thoughts plus conviction equals manifestation"-U.S Andersen

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Becoming The Best There is to Become

Is the person you are capable of taking you where you wish to go?

Our world is changing, yesterday is not today and tomorrow cannot be today. There is no time new things do not emerge and existing ones submerge. To be a better you, you must be constantly emerging.
Becoming a better you is a conscious effort which includes many different aspects that you may not really like, but if you are sure that you want to be a better version of you, you must do them still.

The communication system today cannot be compared with the communication system that existed ten years back. I am pretty sure the human generation back in time did not have any problem using a large phone. None of them knew the potentials that was hidden away in those telephones. But through constant work and investment we arrived at our present day mobile phones, small and portable. Who knew and who knows?

The human system is built with the capacity for upgrades. When you fail to consciously and constantly work on yourself you remain outdated, in other words submerged in the human index. The original version of which you were born with was never enough for you to survive in a harsh world like ours. To make sure you possess the version that will enable you to survive your parent upgraded you through the school system.

However, this was only to help you survive, not to die. Now it’s up to you to decide how you wish to survive, do you want to live and die a failure, mediocre or the opposites? This choice is yours to consciously make, and it determines how better you will be.

There are limitless potentials left untapped within you, and until you decide that you are no more comfortable with your level existence you can never discover them. There is a better you in you, waiting to be discovered.
So many people live and die a little different from how they were born, they never discover what they are capable of, such a wasted potential.

If you want to get to anywhere in life, you have to be better than you are already. You have to know a little of everything, you have to know how to blend into anywhere, you have to know how to use your mind, you have to master yourself and you need to be a person of principles.

Originally you were created without any software. The creator consciously left those empty spaces for you to fill the way you like. What you were born with is likable to a computer hard ware. Refusing to be better is like refusing to install the necessary software which will help you maximize the full potential of your computer. The computer manual may say that you will be able to input words through typing, the computer company may promise all this things but if you don’t install the Micro Word software you will never discover that potential.

Until you bring into your being the right components consciously and consistently you will never discover your full potential. In the computer aspect new software are being replaced by newer software for best experience. Same with the human system. What you know at this moment is not enough. But to keep learning is how to stay afloat. There are four ways in which you can constantly keep emerging.

How To Constantly Emerge and Remain Floating.

  1.  Master yourself: you cannot set out to do a thing and do it till completion without self-discipline, and until you master yourself you can never tell it what to do. Its only masters that tells the subordinate what to do and it obeys. To become better you, you must possess first of all the spirit to shun habits and method which does not move you any further as much as it pushes you backward.

2.    Invest in yourself: you have to invest in yourself constantly. When last did you pay for a seminar, when last did you attend a workshop training? You are not reading books. See yourself as your only turning point. Favor yourself. Continuously put more money into you. That is how to invest in you. When you invest in yourself you become an asset. People value you.
3.    Use your mind: think. Stop living according to fate. Think out your path, choose the way you want to be and start working towards it. The mind is the most powerful asset that you possess, there is nothing the mind cannot achieve. You should never ignore the mind if you want to be better.
4.    Know yourself: most people are living a life that is not their own because they fail to discover their true self. They are fascinated by other people so they spend a lot of time studying and copying them. You have to spend time with yourself to know yourself. Give yourself a break from always going with the crowd and go alone. Stop taking permission for the things you want.

Make a plan to consistently keep yourself moving. Know clearly that what you know is never enough. Analyze yourself at every moment. What do you know? Is that all you are capable of knowing? How far can this take you in life? Becoming a better you is a conscious decision which a person must make for himself. 

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