Quote Of The Week

"Thoughts plus conviction equals manifestation"-U.S Andersen

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Part 2- “Nothing Good Happens when You Hold Back”- Home Run

What good are we speaking of?

A man once shared his life story, how he came to become a fluent man, bold and a great public speaker, he said to me “I lived an intimidated and a shy life before my encounter. There was a day when a great woman, who was good enough to control an entire congregation of a church asked me to take over and control a certain aspect of the day’s service, I didn’t know how to say No, as this was what I always wish to do, and I didn’t know how to say Yes, as I didn’t have any skill nor experience in public speaking, but am sure if she asked, if I was willing to do it, I would have said yes.”

“While waiting for my time to mount the podium, I could hear my heart beats drumming. I had a cold palm, I had a dry throat. Unwillingly, I had to go to the bathroom more than twice, and the woman would say to me, “make sure you don’t go far, you time is close”.

“And then the time came, I wanted to quickly resign, but something that wanted to be more within me pushed me on, so I climb to the podium, and began my first assignment, shaking and stammering in every single words, but that was the first time, I began shaking less the second time, till I shake or stammer no more.”

There is a first time to everything, don’t make a big thing out of anything. Everyone that has been there for the first time, have either mistrusted the thing, or mistrusted themselves. Even to eat, which is an intrinsic ability in man, needed some form of learning and experience before mastering, if you think this is not true, observe the little children of age 2-3 trying to use the cutlery.

Everything is learnable, but you’ve got to allow yourself to experience it first. When you hold back, when you quit because you are afraid, you will not get there. Do you think every great person was born great? No, most of them had to learn in the game itself, while some practice privately and shine in the game.

Sometimes, your private practices are not enough, you need the real experience. Don’t hold back, something good only happens when you refuse to hold back. The fear is there, but you keep going, people think you are not good enough, that is their own. Don’t hold yourself back.

When you are on the verge of becoming who you were meant to be, you will feel your heart trying to jump out of your mouth, it is only trying, it will not.

Good things come easily, when you have made your principles to include, not holding yourself back, you become a model, and you walk with the giants. People will tell your story from imperfection to perfection.

Embrace the fear, taste it and know it, there is nothing behind it, just white lights. Push the door open, let the light shine on you and make you a star. Everything you have ever dreamt of, only comes when you walk right straight to what you have been afraid of. Take a moment to realize the great things, which you will get and attain by not holding back.

Also read, Part 1-"Nothing Good Happens when You Hold Back"-Home Run

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