Quote Of The Week

"Thoughts plus conviction equals manifestation"-U.S Andersen

Friday, 14 October 2016

Part 1-“Nothing Good Happens When You Hold Back.”- Home Run

“Jump, and you will find out how to open your wings when you fall.”- Ray Bradbury

Have you heard of this before? Some days ago, I stumble upon this phrase “Nothing good happens when you hold back” in the movie, Home Run. What does this mean, I asked myself.

So many people hold back too often. Holding back from a thing, that you know in your heart that you are capable and deserving of, has kept you from emerging in your destiny.

To hold back simply implies, refusing to take action, refusing to make a decision, refusing to make a change, refusing to take hold of opportunities.

Why do people hold back?

People hold back because of fear. I have come to understand what fear does to people. Most people remain static because of fear. Fear will take your locomotive ability away and put you in a stand still position. It is what makes most people to say ‘I am okay with where I am’, and which actually they are not.

Fear makes you to wait too long to take a chance at an opportunity. Opportunity, you have heard waits for none. Opportunity is one haughty and proud thing, which doesn’t wait any long with a particular person. You have to know how to put your fears in chains to take it.

After my encounter with this phrase, I made a decision that I will never hold back despite my fears. I wrote it on my PC screen, I wrote it on my walls. And I began living according to that. And just when I was manifesting the good things that refusing to hold back gives, I gave into fear. In my football team, I had a clear tackle on a huge guy, such which could have made me the best in the team, but I backed away. I stepped aside and he passed, because I was afraid.

The fear was there, but something greater was there too. If I have had a little courage to give my tackle, even if it would not have meant much, the team, the world and I would have seen me in a different light. I would have known my true worth, my price.

Courageous people also have fears. The only difference between a courageous person and a coward, lies in the ability to control fear. Courageous people are simply, people who understands how to put reins to their fear and control it. Take your fear for a ride.

I got better after then, because I regretted holding back and never held back anymore the entire game. I was made man of the match, even when I sustain few bruises. That is what life is about.

When you hold back, nothing good happens, don’t. You only have once to live. When you see your opportunity to be elevated, forget all consequences, risk it. Never allow fear of failure to stop you or fear of stigmatization. These are the test for your elevation, you only get better when you take it, despite your fears.

You can only truly discover your purpose, what you have to do when you don’t hold back. Nothing good will call on you, if you are good at holding back. You keep refusing, you shy away from responsibilities, and you hold yourself back from happiness. Nothing good is going to happen to you, if this is your attitude.

Come out. Refuse to back away. It is your opportunity and it doesn’t come always. When it shows up, launch. Put in everything you have learnt, and watch out for the rest. Good things will keep happening to you, when you decide never to hold back. “Nothing good happens when you hold back”.

Also read, Part 2-"Nothing Good Happens When You Hold Back"-Home Run

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