Quote Of The Week

"Thoughts plus conviction equals manifestation"-U.S Andersen

Thursday, 9 February 2017


“For man to be worthy of any rank, he must strive first to be a man.”― Lloyd Alexander

Have you ever noticed the different level of respect awarded different individuals in a group or an environment? Ever wonder on what basis is such respect accorded?

In every environment or group where the members are new to each other, there is a period of grading. In this period, different members of the group watch and observe other members, and grade them accordingly. Some may do this in total silent and observation, while others may choose the conversation method – that is grading the person through his or her conversation.

The grading period is the period of familiarity (knowing who the next man really is), and so, it is the period you can choose a new personality easily. Gradually, people get to know each other and conversation begins and respect differs.

Some people can stay longer in the grading period, could be there are still feeling insecure, once they do, they join the rest of the group members.

The grading period is the best period in every gathering or group to easily carve for oneself the best size of respect, after this period it might prove a little tough to get a good size of it.

Hence in every new environment or group practice this skills for maximum respect:
  1. Treat everyone with respect
  2.  Keep silent moments.
  3. Don’t speak because you feel like speaking
  4. Don’t join in vague argument
  5. Remember it’s not all jokes that are laughable
  6. Be sincere and don’t brag
  7. Comply to and Keep the rules
  8. Respect the headman
  9. Mind whose opinion you request
  10. Don’t complain
  11. Correct with respect and accept corrections.
  12.  Listen more than talk
  13.  Focus on the goal or the your purpose of being in the group
  14.  Judge rationally if invited to
  15.  Keep your little space clean
  16.  Try not to borrow
  17.   Defend a mate in secret
  18.   Choose your confidant and wisely
  19.   Be the first to stop arguing
  20.    Show independency
  21.    Have a style and attempt to be different
  22.    Refuse every attempt to be ridiculed

Perhaps you missed the grading period and you feel you are lowly ranked, and you need to change the game, then you too can press these twenty-two keys.

Although, it may prove a little tough as the people who have known you to be an unserious person begins to see you in the opposite light, you have to continue. They may attempt to ridicule you, and discourage you from being any better. But you don’t have to stop. You need a change, so you have to change.

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