Quote Of The Week

"Thoughts plus conviction equals manifestation"-U.S Andersen

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

On self-mastery. Master or be mastered

"Though one may conquer a thousand times a thousand men in battle, yet he indeed is the noblest victor who conquers himself."– Buddha –

There are two entities in the person you are. There are two bearing your name. One is your body which is YOURSELF and the other one is your mind which is YOU. To master YOURSELF you have to operate from your mind which is the higher ground. The body may succumb to environmental factors but the mind succumbs to none. The body has no problem doing what the mind commands but the mind is too great follow the leadership of the body.

Your goals cannot be achieve without self-discipline and self-discipline can only be achieve if you have mastered YOURSELF. Therefore it is important that you gain mastery over YOURSELF, which is the mind controlling the body. It is important that you master yourself and not the other way round. When you master yourself you tell it what to do and it will do it. But when you are mastered by yourself or you are in the same level with yourself, you cannot tell it what to do, it either refuses or tells you what to do instead.

Self-mastery is getting out of bed anytime your alarm goes off. It is the ability to drop unwanted habits. Most people go through life without ever discovering the joy of self-mastery.

People speak of freedom but there are far from it. They are drug addicts who are bent towards the desires of their flesh, who will do whatever their body urges them to do, their control over themselves is weak and so they are controlled. They are slaves under a weak master who more than often leads them to destruction. That is how the body leads.

Take control. Refuse to be a slave to yourself. The greatest mastery a man will ever have is over himself. Be in control. Do not bend to what your body wants, but to what you want. That is how to discipline the SELF. What you want is what will take you far in life, but what yourself wants is often temporary.

Feed your conscious and subconscious mind with the important of actualizing your dreams, let it become part of you. Let it become your conviction. When your belief becomes your convictions you no more find it hard to chase your goals, because it has become part of YOU which in this case refers to your conscious and subconscious mind, and YOU have made it a common principle to YOURSELF which in this case is your body, not to ever quit from your dream and YOU, YOURSELF now lives according to that principle. The principle you created.

Friday, 23 September 2016

When Your Size Affects Your Career. How To Get Bigger

What are the effects of your height to your career? Is it possible that someone who is an inch taller than you could have a better chance at a job interview than you? what are your chances against the tall girls in that pageantry? If you were a job owner which would you choose?

Heights to a certain level can determine your success in your career. But while you can’t do much about your height you can do much about your career. Study shows that people with taller height often gets the best out of their profession in contrast to their short allies. They often get the best pay, why is this so?

We are living in a society were appearance is one of the major element of culture. People seem to see tall as capable and short as incapable, even when this is not true. And so the tallest among us are often given first attention. God is perceived as tall, if you were imagining what God would look like it is likely that you would be seeing a tall and strong figure. Hence our society believes that tall is next to Godliness, which is filled with capabilities.

Height realities seem to be much present in men than in women study shows, maybe because men are often the aggressors and are supposed to be the defender of the family. A study conducted by Oxford University showed that feeling shorter in height made people paranoid, distrustful and scared of other people.
Furthermore according to judge, tall people may possess more self confidence and self-esteem than shorter people and tall people are often seen to be much leader like than short people.

Our societies help exaggerate this differences in terms of who could be picked first in a job interview, who could get better promotion in offices and even in school who receives more attention from the teachers. This however have placed the shorter folks in a very uncomfortable position.

Being tall is okay if you are about average, more than that most people would say you are suffering from gigantism. It also has its disadvantage, for instance in a concert taller people are shipped to the further back to allow the shorter folks enjoy the concert. In the buses in our streets you could envy shorter people how they could fit in perfectly and you are just suffering from cramps. Most tall people like the short ones do not like their appearance. However, this cannot be changed.

When your natural appearance affects your career what do you do about it? You make people look up to you. People prefer the taller folk because they believe that anything you look up to is capable and anything you look down to is just the opposite. So like I said earlier, you can do very little about your appearance but at least you can still be a giant and be looked up to in your field of endeavor. How do you do this?
  1.  Be more than average: while the tall folks are getting busy being okay with average you have to do yourself the favor of working extra hard so that people have no other choice than to look up to you for what you know.
  2.  Be updated and upgraded: keep yourself updated and upgraded, be the first to know.
  3.  Love yourself: you have to understand that there is very little you can do about your appearance. But then you can stop it from applying to you career. What you lack in appearance make it up in other areas and stand out. Do not let people tell you that you can’t.
Stop being paranoid, I know it could be annoying that people keep thinking you are under 18, but just understand that they don’t know. Use your height to your advantage. If you know some short people in the movie industries and in the military who have been successful then you know you are better. Do not let your appearance cripple you. Double up in other areas and become a giant that people look up to.

You are never in this fight alone, even the taller folks that you wish you were like have one time in their life wish they were shorter, who really likes to be spotted in the crowd so easily as if they were some sort of giraffe, they can’t hide and go away with it. If you let you stature get hold of your mind till the point that you are even scared to step out of your door post then you have lost already.
When you have made yourself a giant you have succeeded in forcing the wind into your sail. While the bigger ships are struggling with their engines and all their sophisticated system, you sail across life effortlessly like a small giant. Which would you choose?

Sunday, 18 September 2016

The Outstanding

To stand out is a conscious decision a person must make for himself. You may go through the whole of life unnoticed not because life made it that way but because you choose it that way. So many people who are living their dreams today knew if they were going to get anywhere they can never let the crowd shield them from the light.

There is a light in you, it was there since the day you were born. This same light is in every person in the world. Some have refuse to harness the energy from this light and radiate, and very few are using it. What is the usefulness of a lamp if it is not shinning for all to see, can it then be called a lamp? I would prefer to call it a furniture. You are a lamp.

Refusing to shine means not fulfilling the purpose which you were sent to the world fulfill. The talents you have are not by chance, there are there for a reason. You are the light of the world, the world is waiting for your light to see. Deciding not to standout is morally wrong.

People who are outstanding in the world today were not born special as you may choose to think, there are people like you. The only difference between those people and you is in positions, they have chosen the front rows  as their preferred seat throughout the ride and you for certain reasons say safety, have chosen the back seats.

What you need in life is not to be like anyone. What you need is the decision to make the front seat your permanent seat. Enjoy the fear of seeing the path before the back sitters do. Stop trying to copy someone else, the secret in shining out lies in following your internal callings no matter how critical you may see the road as.
Decide that you won’t hold yourself back no matter what. Keep going. You are scared but you are still going, you are tired but you still going, people say it’s not meant for you, you still going. That is how to standout.

It is safer to watch from the crowd, than to be watched by the crowd. But it is better to be watched than to watch. So which one is it going to be for you, stay safe and unfulfilled or risk it and be fulfilled?
Step out of the crowd let the world see you. You are too good to be where nobody sees you. The world is facing different crisis today because the right people have decided to hide away and so we are ruled and controlled by people who should be controlled.

The world will shield you from the light if you keep believing you cannot make it without some people. Refuse to depend on anybody but yourself. Everybody have got their light, if you want to shine brighter then you’ve got to reduce the number of people you depend on, that way you will shine more brightly.

That you have tried and that you have stepped out but have not received any recognition. You’ve got to understand that those people who are outstanding today have internalized the behavior of always staying at the front lines that they don’t need to do it once but persistently, you cannot start behaving in an outstanding manner for just a few days now and suddenly you are at the top, you have to persist in that pattern of behavior long enough to standout.

Secondly, every organization have their ways of doing things. If you wish to be at the top rows then you’ve got to understand the culture of that organization and tune in fully. If you want to be at the top row of your church then you know you would have to abandon many life styles that do not align with the Christian doctrine, you will have to change. Change the people around you and change the way you think.

If you want something out of life then you’ve got to step up. Be upgraded in your knowledge, be upgraded in your position, refused to be hidden away and let your light shine for all to see. Standing out and shinning is the path way to fulfilling your destiny, it is scary but that is where you want to be, it is your starting point to a fulfilled life. Be outstanding.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Nigeria: 3 Lucrative and simple Business Ideas

Hello Nigerians, this one is for you.

For some years now, have been chewing on the possibility of starting something of my own in the areas am about to disclose to you, as you can imagine I failed, partly due to time factor and partly due to capital factor, reason owned to the fact that am handling a project already in one of our schools. Then so, it is my pleasure to share these ideas with you, you might want to try them out.

In the present state of our country you know so well that you cannot ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, in this light what can you do for your country? The country is recessing and we don’t blame anybody for that. I strongly believe it is a carried forward in our economic history and so we must take it or watch the country fall, which is not going to happen anyway. So taking it is the correct option.

First, where in history did we carry forward? In the beginning of times before the advent of crude oil in Nigeria, we strongly survive on something else natural to our environment. We still had international trade. The advent of crude oil made us to drop our hoes. I mean weeding hoe. And now the crude oil is going down, our country is going down, it is time to look back and stand up from the point we fell.

What can you do for your country? Feed the Nation. Yes, get paid feeding your country. Be a good citizen feed the nation. This three business ideas will be telling you areas in which you can uniquely become rich feeding the nation despite the current atmosphere in the country. Let me jump right into it.

Agriculture is wide, but I’ll suggest three areas you might not have noticed, starting with the oil palm.

The oil palm: if you are anywhere located in the southern or eastern region of the nation this one is more for you. Oil palm tree is mostly found in the south eastern regions of our country, its extract which is the red oil is used on a daily basis almost in all families across the nation for different purposes. In factories it could be used in the production cosmetic and toiletries like soap etc. Everything from the plant which includes the nut seed, the nut shell, the nut fiber, and the leaf is economically important making it one of the highest required commodity in the country.

Are you thinking this sounds good but will required a lot of capital and time to start? The answer is no. The reason for bringing this on is because I know a way and am about to tell you. Listen up.

Do you know that you do not need to start planting palm to be an owner of a palm farm? Yes. There are different families in the rural community who needs immediate money to solve their immediate problems, most of these families give out palm farms or more specifically the palm trees for a certain period of time and for certain amounts, always as cheap as two thousand Naira a stand. And to add to that, the money paid to the family must and can only be returned at the end of the contract. Failure to refund loaned cash you are free to keep harvesting and selling till you are paid back in full. 

Heads Up: Make sure you get a legal backing, otherwise keep your cutlass by your side, I don’t have to tell you about ruralities.

Palm trees are capable of supplying you stocks of fruit in a month which is at least worth N3, 000 per stand. So if you had ten stands you know what that would be at the end of twelve months. At the end, needing family gets cash for their problem, you get palm for your money and the nation gets food for their survival, case close.
The next idea is the one I’ll call the pathfinder. Because it is almost like a new path, although it has been done before, it has never been colorful and sufficient enough as we deserve. So I give to you;

Bee keeping: I can see myself smiling as am writing this. This is my favorite, I will tell you why. I don’t know how to package this information to you but believe me, it’s the best idea you can ever get with less or no price and still make very high income while also feeding our nation. 

Our old people do not taste the sweetness of our world anymore for fear of diabetics, our crops stand not pollinated because of the absence of our bees and so we are generally losing because of our careless attitude. Honey is a product gotten from the bees, in some part of the country people kill bees to take honey and I call that honey robbing. People who engage in honey robbing do not understand the potential cost the country may have to pay in the future and more, they do not know of any proper way of getting clean honey. 

Honey gotten from robbery is often not very clean, it is often as wild as the forest it is gotten from, sticks and particles from burnt bushes are everywhere in it.
But there is an accepted way of getting honey, it is called bee keeping or if you like bee owning. Most people get so scared at the word bee, you are wise to fear bees, it is dangerous if you miss rules, that is why you cannot embark on proper bee keeping without learning the techniques.

Ignoring the phobia for bees there is a lot to make out of it while feeding the nation. Bees are as natural as they are, you don’t buy them like you would buy chicks to start a poultry farm instead you attract them. That is one of the reason why you need to learn how to keep bees. Each bee keeping container which is called “Hive” could cost you less than N5, 000 depending on if you have the necessary materials like wood and some carpentry skills. But the outcome is likely going to be between 15,000 and 20,000 if you were giving out each bottle of your honey at a thousand naira.

The good news about this tip is that you don’t need a specific land, you can use any abandoned bushes after taking proper permission of course. But for commercial purpose which you could need up to fifty hives or more, then you need a farm of your own. But it is good to start small and expand. The world needs honey and our country have bees, tap into this natural life and make good money for just giving the bees a place to stay.

Heads up: you don’t feed bees, if you try you may have to run a longer mile than the one you came by, especially African Bees, that is why it is my favorite.
The third suggestion will require a little planting skill and a farm, but little startup fee. This is the;

Plantain plantation: have you ever thought about a large hectare of land cultivated with just plantain what it would bring to the owner? I personally love eating plantain ripe or unripe so have thought about it, let me tell you about it.

Plantain is becoming expensive even more than yam itself in our country today. Sometimes you don’t even find it to buy, which makes it one of the highly wanted commodity in the country. Plantain do not need any secondary processing except that you have to cut it from its tree and rub the stalk to the sand and there you go, sell it or eat it. Obviously not raw except for ripe ones.

The good thing about plantain plantation is that the plant has a way of multiplying on its own. If you began with three at the end of two years you could have extra nine growing without your permission, they don’t follow rules. The only farming skill you need is trimming the grass, molding the plantain based with soil and the harvesting skill which is simply to cut the fruit down. You could chose to sell it yourself or you could channel it to some local or international sellers. Job done. so you feed the nation, watch your farm expand without your consent and get paid doing so. How simple.
Our country is filled with many and different potentials some of us fail to see it, others see it but can’t tap from it. I see, so am showing you. Tap from it, let’s grow again Nigeria.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Excessive Anger and Life Performance

Excessive anger is the reason behind many unsuccessful businesses and relationships. Some people don’t even realized what anger is costing them. Anger is seen as an emotional type natural for human beings when it does not infringe on any social norms both the written and the unwritten, otherwise you are seen as a deviant.

I personally have been a victim of excessive anger in the past, it somehow felt good to beat the hell out of people who did not really expect you would make war out of a joke and I was tempted to believe that it was an ability that only special people had.

People who have anger problems are unhappy people, most of them are unsuccessful in professional as well as social areas. In relationships little things are intensified and leads to breakups or divorce in family cases. In work or business environment nobody wants to work with or under a person who normally screams every word out, so these frustrations in work and in relationships leads to a more intensified anger and you keep losing yourself the more.

Excessive anger is a mental disorder. It comes from the feeling of inferiority, low self-esteem, frustration, stress and fatigue. It can go a long way to damage a person’s career and eventually the person himself. If you’d continue to pounce on your friends out of a little jokes they will walk away from you, if you’d keep pounding the telephone and abruptly hangs up on your business partners they will leave you and at the end you would have succeeded in damaging your life.

People who have lost a lot due to anger resolve to alcoholism and other addictions. Addictions, specifically to drugs weakens one ability to control anger. In other words, addicts are angry people. Certainly then alcoholism is not the solution to anger and any other addiction simply means feeding the fire.

The feeling that one is less pretty, less intelligent as compared to other persons rises the feeling of anger in people. They want to be noticed if they are feeling like they are not being notice. They will attempt to pluck your eye out, if they think you better than them, which actually In most situation the opposite is even the case.

Leveling it out on your spouse or your children is not a proper way to manage stress, it is only a way to warrant the signature for divorce. If you are stressed out after a tough day in the office make it known, sit in front of the television or better yet sleep. Stress are better relieved through sleep.

Low self-esteem which is another author of anger can only be fought if you stand up to the reality that all men are equal. The problem about you is that you are not using what you came to the world with, You refuse yourself the good things of the world. If you keep saying to yourself, it’s better than me or its not for me you are creating a room for low self-esteem which can eventually lead to excessive anger.
People with excessive anger can mostly do things when they are angry and it is always noticed. They are reluctant to give a speech because they feel they are not good enough, and eventually when they are compelled to do so, they do it out of anger and most times rushing through the whole thing.

They don’t have specific friends. They are mostly found with their gadgets hidden away in their private rooms. They are socially incapable.

Like I said earlier anger is an emotional type which indicates that you are a human being, but when it is excessive it becomes a problem. When is anger then term as excessive? Once when I was in high school there was this guy I knew, who from my analysis was doing better than I but I doubt he saw it that way. I made a joke one day, I called him illiterate which is just passively what buddies do, well I had to dodge a kerosene lamp that was coming my way in full speed, that was not all, I got some bonus punches to my face that landed me in the school clinic. I sort of thought him to be a bully so I shoved his profile out of my dear life. When you suffer from excessive anger, even yourself will be in disagreement with your reaction. Some bold people will blame you. However, self and public blames do not always solve the problem, they make it worst.

In my opinion your anger is excessive when it becomes a habit. No one disagrees with you any more, you want to be the boss or else. When you get angry to things that is seen as normal to other people you have to check yourself.

When you destroy your new television because you got pissed off by your contractor, that is excessive. People with excessive anger relieves themselves after they have successfully destroyed their friendship or their adored property. You will see them kicking at everything, including the wall. No problem if you kicking the wall anyway, but that’s excessive. Normally the victim of excessive anger knows he or she has a problem, some of them just enjoys it and so refuses to do anything about it, wait till I tell you what you are sacrificing for the ability to storm out of your boss’s office.

Psychologists have out listed a number of anger disorder and anger symptoms which I will be mentioning here, just in case you are suffering from one.
a)   Passive anger: this is not a hyper intensive anger and normally goes unnoticed. This then could be seen as the natural impulse of man to get angry. Natural emotion then. In my opinion if you are suffering from this one, you are safe.
b)    Chronic anger: this is the type that is likely going to destroy you. It is a prolonged type of anger and can usually lead to other mental disorder. Say no.
c)    Self-inflicted anger: getting angry with yourself. Why would a person get angry with his or her own self, except you don’t like yourself? You want to be like some other person, well that won’t help you. Be like you, show yourself much love, you are unique.
d)    Volatile anger: if you suffering from this then you are the type that is likely going to stab someone repeatedly after a joke.
e)    Judgmental anger: unlike self-inflicted anger this one is directed towards other people.

What are the symptoms of excessive anger, it includes, Tingling, Heart palpitations or tightening of the chest, increased blood pressure, Headaches, Pressure in the head or sinus cavities and Fatigue.

The Price for Excessive Anger

There are prices to pay, you can't go free.it includes:

  1.  Joblessness: people with excessive anger finds it hard to work under a person. They mostly think they don’t just enjoy working under people, meanwhile the truth is they can’t work under people. They can’t even succeed in their own startup businesses, customers abscond.
  2. Unhappiness: if you are jobless how can you be happy? When you are seeing life as not being fair you can never be happy.
  3. Unfulfilled life: everybody you meet you chase away with your attitude, no one wants to come any close to you, so at the end of your life you die unfulfilled.
  4. Loneliness: no friends and no family loneliness is the result. This often can lead to a more destructive case like suicide.
  5.  Addiction: you can further destroy your life by feeling that drinking is the way out or doing drugs, the result is always worst.
How to deal with excessive anger
  1.  Find the good: finding the good is simply going with the moment. You can’t get mad at your boss’s comment and expect to go free, so instead do the opposite, find something funny or good about the moment and fly into it to save your job.
  2.  Drugs: certain chemical suppressant drugs can be prescribe by a doctor. While this drugs may help, they can cause different other sicknesses which could be far worst, so it is advisable to strictly take on doctor’s prescription.
  3. Counselling: getting a professional counselling session is the number one choice. For a professional counselling session click here,  
  4. Self-help: most anger was consciously grown by the victim suffering from it today. They saw it as a means of dominating in the social world and so it can be reverse by the victim as well. When the urge to get angry arises, simply refuse to be angry. Better yet leave the scene quietly with a fake smile. If that is not okay, tell the person to stop that you are hurt. Consciously watch out for your emotions.
The good things of this world is meant for no other person but you. You got to love yourself more to take them. You are not an inferior model of human being there is nothing like that. If by any reason you think you are inferior or socially outdated, know that you can upgrade to a better version of you in a day if you want or you may choose to stick to the original version of you. No one is like you, stop comparing yourself and use what you have to your advantage.
When you overcome excessive anger you start living, Joy flows within you. You begin to see the real beauty of life, and your dreams come true.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

How Much Time Is Left?

 How much time do you have left?  

study conducted by Bronnie Ware showed that the number one regrets     that people have, people who knows      they have exhausted their limited          time on earth is “…they were never       brave enough to pursue their dreams,but settled for what others expected of them. When they look back at their lives, they tend to recall their unreached goals and aspirations”. In other words I wish I have had the courage to follow my heart, I wish I had done the right things while I still had the time. Unfortunately for this folk there is no extra time.

When you go about doing things that has no value you’ve got to understand one thing, your time is limited. The majority of the people in the world will die before they could see their eightieth birthday. When you go about quitting, telling yourself, am not ready yet pushing your dreams miles away have you stop to ask yourself, how much time do you have left?

It is hard to become the person you want to become, it’s discouraging, it is frustrating but if you want to be phenomenal, if you want to be proud of the end result when your time is up, then you’ve got to walk towards your dream no matter how disappointing it might have been.

It is important that you focus on one thing. When you go about chasing different and many things and end up catching none, it’s your time you are using, no one else. People will tell you, you have a lot of time left but am saying to you, you have a very short time left. Live everyday as if it were your last, you might be right someday. Stop postponing, focus.

The reason why you are not battling at your dreams now is you feel there is a lot of time left. How much time do you believe is left for you? It is true that we all will die, death is inescapable for everyone but it is not true that we will be remembered in the same way. While some will live on to become example for others, some will be forgotten. When you go after your dreams no matter how many times you fail at it you will leave behind a number of don’t-try ways and you will be remembered.

Living a fulfilled life basically revolves around doing what you know within your heart that you want to do. Doing what the world thinks is better for you is not going to give you the fulfilled feeling that you crave. You want it to be that at the end of your time you will have nothing to regret.

When you go about doing what others think is great work you will not have the time enough to do those things that you believe is great work and at the end of your life you would have succeeded in living other people’s dream with your own life. We are given our own share of time for our allocated purposes. You can choose to use your time wisely by living your own dreams or you may choose to use it in fulfilling other people’s desire the choice however is yours. Life is an experiment the lesson is learnt at the end of it. You’ve got to be relentless about those things you love.                                                                                                      

Monday, 12 September 2016

On Fulfilling Your Dreams

In the pursuit of my dreams I have met different discouragements, both from myself and from others. I have given up in  different times just to start again because someone actually told me that I was not good enough.

Life can be a mess when you have down times like mine. You might spend most part of your life visiting and trying out different areas of life without actually belonging to any. Stop and analyzed yourself, after many years what have you achieved by always quitting and trying. The truth is you have only help other people live their dreams. It’s time to start living your own dreams.

You need to stop listening to what people think about you. If you want something, don’t go about seeking for approval, go for it. You don’t need permissions anymore to become what you want to become. Permissions was okay when you were yet an adult, but now you need to take responsibility of your life. People will only talk you out of your original ideas.

Silencing external critics which could’ve been your friends and family is the first but there is a second, silencing internal critics. It says to you did you hear what they said, you know you cannot do this. Yes that’s our internal person talking, it’s been talking since you were born making you back out of what you truly wanted. If you listen to it this time again, you might have to overcome this another time, so you can pack up and quit and come back another time or you can face it now and for all, you can say to yourself I know am capable if am willing. Be willing.

Make a plan to quiet your critics the more. When you know where you want to go, you need a map to guide you. Map brings more confident and tells you look it is as simple as this. How do you want to be there. Tell yourself through writings.

Now that you have conquered all criticism you want to move on. Stop planning and start practicing. Most people spend most time of their life planning that they fail to practice what they’ve been planning. Stop for a while and take the first step. If you ever have to succeed you need to start that which you want right now.

Who said you don’t have the resources. What of that which you have right now, use it. You need to start from where you are. It might be slow but you need a lot of patience and constant work. Put in a little more time and effort and hang in there a little while and you will be surprise to know how far you’ve come.

There are many ways to get to the top. Don’t be trap by other people’s principles. If that is not comfortable with you, create your own principles and live by it. Many people back out because they can’t cope with other people’s principle. Wait, who said that’s the accepted method of getting what you want, create your own methods and lived by it. When you create your own principles and live according to it, dreams come true.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

8 keys to a happy relationship

  1.  Exchange of gifts: This is very crucial in relationships. Gifts captures the heart, not of the woman only or of the man only, all hearts. Most people wait too long before they can offer a gift to their partner, they keep it for anniversaries such as birthdays etc. that is not very impressive if you ask me, but it is helpful if you have been believing in expensive gifts. Stressing yourself over to provide an expensive gift can be understood if it’s once in a year, but constantly giving easy to afford gifts to one another will keep the receiver feeling like someone cares and the giver feeling responsible. Both stays happy.
  2.   Free yourself: some people are happier with a person when they had nothing more intimate, as soon as they began seeing each other differently the happiness disappeared. What is missing?That freedom to break rules. You don’t laugh out loud anymore, you are so cautious when you are with your partner, you don’t want to make mistakes in your languages, so you barley talk and the whole thing becomes boring. Free yourself, this is the person that should know your flaws, bit by bit free yourself till you can say and do what you want no matter the time.
  3.   Listen: men know how to spoil romantic moments with boring sport gist, politics and what have you but listen all the same. Women can also do same by bringing up some women sort of gist, listen. You may not have to contribute, just listen, nodding and occasionally staring at each other. You are each other’s, appreciate the man or the woman she is.
  4. Be unpredictably happy: your partner showed up later than you agree and she predicted you would be mad and you are not. Keep the question till later. If you came late yourself apologies. I believe women somehow enjoys keeping a man waiting, then wait. Scold a little and smile on. Don’t have a particular style, disagree once, don’t just let it get into your happiness. That’s how to be unpredictable, changing often in a sweet way.
  5.   Have a good sense of humor: some people don’t even know how to joke and laugh. Joke and laugh a lot. I found out that as a man revealing yourself to your partner could become a large thing to laugh about. Like when I say things like “that is the only money I have in this world, hence you must return it”, she doesn’t always get it straight, but we all go home happy at the end. Laughing always makes you guys always want to be together. Don’t be too serious. But then don’t make jokes out of serious situations.
  6.   Respect: respect doesn’t mean you cannot playfully scold each other. But if it came to a serious ground give each other enough respect. Men like being in control, respect them and let them lead but be as a good adviser. Don’t let him wander the controls himself, make suggestions and respect his decisions. Though she is your partner, she is still a lady with her own opinion you’ve got to respect that too.
  7.   Speak well of one another: in the presence of other people praising your partner brings more happiness and reward than you can ever imagine. Appreciate each other over the other day.